The Crimson Red Hair Trend In 2023: Everything You Need To Know

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Crimson red daniellelouisette Long hair styles, Hair, Beauty from


Crimson red hair has been a popular hair color trend for years, and it’s still going strong in 2023. The deep, rich hue is a bold choice, but it can be incredibly flattering on many different skin tones. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the crimson red hair trend and what you need to know before taking the plunge.

What is Crimson Red Hair?

Crimson red hair is a deep, rich shade of red that has hints of burgundy and purple. It’s a bold color choice that can make a statement and turn heads. The color is achieved by combining red and purple dyes, and it’s best suited for those with naturally dark hair.

Who Can Pull off Crimson Red Hair?

Crimson red hair looks best on those with naturally dark hair, as the color is more vibrant and striking on darker locks. However, anyone can pull off crimson red hair with the right styling and confidence. It’s important to note that this color is more high-maintenance than traditional hair colors, so make sure you’re willing to commit to the upkeep.

How to Achieve Crimson Red Hair

Achieving crimson red hair requires a bit of work, especially if you have naturally light hair. If you have naturally dark hair, you’ll need to lift the color first before applying the crimson red dye. If you have light hair, you’ll need to bleach your hair to achieve the desired color. It’s always best to visit a professional stylist to ensure your hair stays healthy and damage-free during the color process.

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How to Maintain Crimson Red Hair

Maintaining crimson red hair requires some effort. You’ll need to use color-safe shampoos and conditioners to prevent the color from fading. It’s also essential to avoid heat styling tools, as they can cause the color to fade faster. Additionally, you may need to touch up the color every few weeks to keep it looking vibrant.

The Benefits of Crimson Red Hair

Crimson red hair can be incredibly flattering and make a statement. It’s a bold choice that can help you stand out from the crowd. Additionally, the color can bring out different tones in your skin, making your complexion look more radiant.

Are There Any Downsides to Crimson Red Hair?

One downside to crimson red hair is that it requires more maintenance than traditional hair colors. You’ll need to touch up the color more frequently and use color-safe products to prevent fading. Additionally, the color may not be suitable for certain professions or workplaces, so make sure to check any dress codes or policies before making the change.


Crimson red hair is a bold and beautiful trend that’s still going strong in 2023. While it requires more maintenance than traditional hair colors, the payoff can be incredibly flattering and make a statement. With the right styling and upkeep, anyone can pull off this striking color choice and turn heads wherever they go.


Q: Is crimson red hair suitable for all skin tones?

A: Crimson red hair looks best on those with warm or neutral skin tones. If you have cool undertones, you may want to opt for a cooler shade of red instead.

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Q: Can I achieve crimson red hair at home?

A: While it’s possible to achieve crimson red hair at home, it’s always best to visit a professional stylist. They can ensure your hair stays healthy and damage-free during the color process.

Q: How long does crimson red hair last?

A: Crimson red hair typically lasts between 4-6 weeks before needing a touch-up. However, this can vary depending on your hair type and how well you maintain the color.

Q: Can I still use heat styling tools with crimson red hair?

A: It’s best to avoid heat styling tools as much as possible with crimson red hair, as they can cause the color to fade faster. If you must use them, be sure to use a heat protectant and keep the heat setting as low as possible.

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